Are you planning a management retreat?
We’ve been part of countless management and staff retreats for almost three decades.
We offer seminars and workshops as well as engaging team building activities.
Start by assessing your learning needs and in particular what areas of development or discussion you’d like to explore at a retreat. We’ve covered a wide range of topics over the years such as organizational communication, strategic planning (SWOT - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), team building, leadership and organizational growth…etc.
During your retreat planning, discuss how much time you would like to dedicate to one of our facilitated workshops and / team building sessions. Retreats can be as short as just a day or multiple days. During the planning process consider how much time you will want to work as a group and how much time you want for our facilitation.
Reach out to us with your questions. We’d love to hear your ideas and because we’ve been part of so many retreats, we can make some suggestions on how to make your next retreat the best ever!