Since 1994, we are very proud to say…

  • We delivered over 6500 presentations, seminars, webinars, workshops, and team-building events over 30 years.

  • We have spoken to over different 800 groups, organizations, and associations.

  • We have spoken and presented in over 425 different communities all across Ontario.

  • We drive about 30 , 000 km annually all over Ontario to deliver our presentations, seminars and workshops.

  • We are blessed to speak to thousands of people in-person and virtually every year.

  • We believe we have developed the largest inventory of presentations, seminars, and workshops of any speaker in Canada.

  • We average 170- 180 live in-person and virtual events a year.

  • We have developed a wide selection of on-line ready-to-present webinars and virtual presentations.


You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.  - C.S. Lewis